I have a core group of them so it seems, but I need to express to you, this particular Angel. He's been watching over me since the moment he came into my life over five years ago. It was before my illness took hold of me. It wasn't an easy thing, but if you know me nothing is easy. I take people at face value, I love with no conditions. Why? because it is who and what makes me. It makes it hard when people disappoint me, It makes it worse when people choose to hurt to push me away. Or my fear has pushed to keep them from seeing me get worse. I have a clan, a family now in SL. It's not about vamps or any of that, but a group of people and loved ones we can turn to. Who would ever think that would be the case. Now my SL family keeps my real family going and visa versa. Thats one way to show that even behind a keyboard their is love, and right now love is what I need and crave for. I love you all... I love you Artur...
[HUSH] Starr - Berry - Cream
Totally Top Shelf
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands - Casual
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands - Casual
Slink Female Feet (AvEnhance) S - High
*~*Damselfly*~*Mabel Rigged-Mesh(LG) Mixed
[FPI] Mohini Collar ~ Platinum
[FPI] Mohini Ankle ~ Platinum
[FPI] Mohini Thigh ~ Platinum
[FPI] Mohini Arm ~ Platinum
[FPI] Mohini Wrist ~ Platinum
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