I want to state... I am not a professional blogger... I just want to show how pretty some of this stuff is... so I hope I don't embarrass anyone. If I do, let me know and I will snippet.
Where: Fantasy Gacha Carnival
Location: Second Life
SURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Acerbus%20Silva/29/144/24
Parcel Rating: Adult
Lets start with us. Yes, I know shameful plug... but I can't help myself.
Our ad went to several groups we are a part of and here it is for you to see
Decadent Courtesan does the Fantasy Gacha Carnival!!
Hello everyone!
DC is participating in the Fantasy Gacha Carnival all this month and we have 4 vendors with goodies for both big and petite avatars, because that's how we roll.
Running from October 1 through 31st, our items are priced at 50 and 75 L and worth far, far more than that paltry sum. There was a lot of love and elbow grease rubbed all over each and every gacha and we have 4 vendors in the fair!
From Kitty comes a set of gorgeous full mesh staffs that are animated. Of Course, her famous collars in Mesh! Three in gold and emerald, silver and amethyst, iron and ruby, and the commons are in chainmail, 7 to boot! For the staffs there is one common for every season and the rares are the sun and the moon. A simply must see!

For all you Steam Punk and Fantasy lovers, Riven's created a mesh companion just for you! Perched on your shoulder and peering at the world with glowing eyes, our Tesla Faeries are quite willing to explore the digital worlds at your side:
❤❤❤ Kitty N Riven ❤❤❤

Gatcha Web Site: http://fantasygacha.wix.com/carnival
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