As I run through my feelings these days, and deal with my own illness, I am reminded that though what I have their is no cure available, it's not terminal. My secondary diagnosis however takes lives and has its own inevitable side effects. If you ever wonder why I am slow some days or just don't answer you, its not that I am ignoring you, I am most likely sleeping. In so, it is difficult to do things, but I am not going to have a Doctor telling me I have X amount of time to live. People with cancer get these determinations on a daily basis. Sometimes the things that are supposed to save their lives ends up being what kills them. Radiation therapy side effects can be as bad as the cancer itself.
Why all this diatribe? Its just one more reason we Relay for Life. To give hope, where their is only darkness. Yesterday I reminisced with Mistress Kailla and we remembered the very first person I met with open arms Mitra Lok. She was determined to do the relay in 2011 and I ended up lighting luminaries in her name. Goreans from all over were pledging and having me light luminaries for our team in her name. I lost communication with Mitra at the end of that year, and later it was confirmed that she had passed on. It was an emotional mess for me personally, It was the first of several people I lost steadily after her on SL and I couldn't bare to even volunteer for RFL the following year I just created stuff in my store and honored my personal pledge to RFL. Last night we had a bit of fun taking pictures and I made stamps out of the pics I took.
Hope sums it up doesn't it. Without Hope nothing else really works. RFL is hope, hope for those that can't be with us, or are with us and know we will help in any way we can. One of the groups I am proud to introduce to you is the Dance Pit Raider of Gor. Who will be at the Kick Off...
In the words of the group this is their introduction. Please take some time to visit their sites.
The Dance Pit Raiders of Gor! are a Gorean slave dance troupe that dance for free, to entertain the Free across the lands of Gor, to celebrate the traditions of Gorean slave dance! We do not ask for coins to entertain, we serve through our dancing! ... all we ask is if the dancers please then all donations and tips go 100% to Relay for Life (Gorean Team)... this is how together we can make a difference and find a cure, a world free from cancer!
The Dance Pit Raiders of Gor! perform completely spontaneously - meaning we write our dances as we perform, making each event unique and ensuring that we are inter-active to what is going on around, to enhance and add to that special gathering ... Gorean Style!
We have been together, entertaining in the Gorean way for over 5 years. Dancing in the traditions of Gor, their movements and more importantly their dance posts are Gorean, as they embroider their dances with descriptive wording to capture those watching, taking them on a journey through the dance, describing their dance, what they see, feel, experience.. perhaps a story .. a tale that will hold the audience in awe and wonder as they follow the dance captivated in what is unfolding before them, using skills and knowledge of Gorean culture adds to the depth of the dance and brings Gorean slave dancing alive!
Let us help make your event memorable.... and together we can make a difference!
Let's .... "Light up the darkness... IT"S TIME .... for a CURE!" ... Relay For Life 2013 and onwards to 2014!
If you wish to book the Dance Pit Raiders of Gor! or wish to have further information, please contact sparkle kling in world!
Check out our web pages & blog!
Goreans in the Relay For Life - Dance Pit Raiders -
Dance Pit Raiders of Gor - Blog site
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